Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ted Talk Time!

For this weeks journal entry I decided to watch a Ted Talk that discusses Inclusion, belonging and having a disability. Presented by Jennie Fenton


Below are some notes and a response to this film: 

  • Discusses the Caste System and how horrible it is that people are born to be considered "untouchables" they compare people born with a disability as being seen as an "untouchable" 
  • Talks about the negative connotation that individuals with disability get when seeing that they need charity, help, support. 
  • Talks about how her own child was born with a  disability. As they struggled to get through the doctor appointments they struggled, they cried, they fought. They called it the "Dark Ages" 
  • Her daughter was diagnosed with cerebral Palsy. 
  • She came acores several realizations: 
    • Hard Work 
    • Hard work can be Negative, Neutral, Positive (It is a choice) 
    • No one is broken (no one needs to feel broken- should feel loved exactly as they are)
    • Disability is natural (it is a part of the human experience- we are diverse) It makes us strong, interesting and vital) 
    • Commonality (we have a lot more in common then we think) 
    • The importance of dreams (they will be supported to follow their dreams)
  • She believes in POSSIBILITY. That anyone is capable of amazing things even those with a label or disability. 
  • She provides perspective on living conditions of those with a disability, their lack of freedom, lack of your own home, always having to live with others and be supported in those ways. 
  • There is currently a revolution going on about disability around the globe 
  • They are focused on attitudes, words and actions and that everyone has a part to play in this revolution. 
  • She started a social inclusion program in her community. They ask everyone to do 3 things. Check you head, your words and your actions. 
  • People are individuals, they are not their labels and not your assumptions. They belong in all parts of a community. 
  • Everyone has something to offer, something to share, something to say. 
  • They are members, assets, not burdens. 
  • You do not need to CURE diversity, but ENJOY IT. 
  • We are all interdependent. Everyone needs each other, whether you have a disability or not. 

This video was really inspiring because it focused on what people with disabilities can do and how they can be supported to have dreams just like everyone else. This mother talked about her child as her child first and someone with a disability second. She talked about how as a community we can create a world where individuals with disabilities are welcome, supported and celebrated. It was really interesting to hear about different people who have disabilities and who are thriving in their lives. Who are teachers, business owners, and working in government. This was related to individuals who were struggling with more than just a physical disability, but was still a great look into what it is like to have a child who needs special assistance and to become accepting and proud of their accomplishments.

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