Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A day in the life of Nathan- Reflection

Today I wanted to reflect on my day. Not just what I did but where I went, how I got there, and what obstacles I would face if I were Nathan attempting to live the same day. How would my life be different? How would my everyday tasks change? How would I accomplish everything in the same way?

I woke up in my apartment located on the 2nd floor of my building. My apartment is small, perfectly manageable with two working legs, but in a wheel chair almost impossible to navigate through the hallway or kitchen. The space is simply too small and narrow. There is no way to get to the second floor or back down from the second floor in a wheel chair. Nathan would not even have the option of living where I live due to accessibility.

Next I rode my bike to Baker Center for a seminar on Sexual Misconduct that all Student Affairs staff/graduate assistants were required to attend. On my bike it took me about 5 min to ride the 1 mile to campus, park at the bottom of Baker and take the elevator to the third floor ballroom. If I were Nathan I would have had to wheel myself the entire 1 mile taking much longer than 5 minutes or I would need to arrange transportation (either a bus, OU shuttle for the disabled, or drive my own vehicle w/ accommodations). I would then have to park, or get dropped off at the bottom of Baker and take the elevator to the 3rd floor.

My struggle would not end there. As myself I walked into the crowded ballroom and found a seat at a back table with some of my fellow Campus Recreation Employees. I was able to navigate the small corridors between each table, and shift around people conversing in the aisles. Nathan would not have been able to navigate those areas without asking people to move, calling attention to himself, and interrupting peoples conversations. He would not have had adequate space at the table for his wheelchair and would have ended up sitting in the back by himself.

During the first break I chose to use the restroom. It was extremely crowded and forced me to weave in and out of people waiting, using the mirrors and washing their hands. Nathan would have struggled to fit in the small restroom with so many people and would have had difficulty reaching the sink to wash his hands while sitting.

After the seminar was over I walked back to the Aquatic Center to get some work done for my GA. I entered through the locker room, and walked onto the pool deck to make my way to the manager office. If I were Nathan I would have struggled to wheel my chair and open the large doors at the same time. I would have been cautious of slipping on the wet locker room floors, and on the slippery pool deck as I wheeled myself to my office. I would have had to maneuver carefully in the office so as not to hit anyone else working. The simple task that I dealt with, would not have been the same for Nathan.

After I accomplished some work I rode my bike up town to get some lunch and go to a physical therapy appointment in the basement of campus care. It took me about 5 minutes to ride my bicycle up the large hill to upper campus and to park it on court street in order to get some food. I walked into Big Mama Burrito and ordered at the counter. If I were Nathan I would have once again had to find some sort of transportation uptown or wheeled myself which would have taken probably 30-40minutes. I would have had to wheel myself down court street, struggled to reach the counter to order at Big Mama Burrito and then worked my way back towards Campus Care.

At Campus Care I walked down the stairs to the basement where I completed my session of PT in order to rehab my knee. If I were Nathan I would have had to wheel myself to the 2nd floor of Campus Care, found the elevator and then went to the basement.

After PT I rode my bicycle back to my 2nd floor apartment, did some reading and showered. If I were Nathan I would have once again struggled with transportation, not been able to get to my 2nd floor apartment and not been able to use my non-accessible shower.

The last thing I did with my day was ride my bike back to the Aquatic Center and participate in Masters Swim Practice. If I were Nathan I would have had to get to the AC, and had to have assistance in getting into the pool. Would I be able to swim in his condition? Would I be able to participate in practice despite not being able to use my legs? Would I be accepted by the other swimmers?

Today I realized how easy my life is compared to someone like Nathan. Someone who is required to put effort and thought into every aspect of their day. I take for granite how quickly it takes me to get around campus, how easy it is for me to get into buildings and find rooms. How using the restroom is not a chore, or how I'm never worried about needing to ask for assistance from others. I live a life of privilege because I'm able to use both of my legs. I really appreciated being able to think about Nathan today, and live a day through his eyes. Through his struggles and through his perseverance.

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